Thursday, August 20, 2015

To the Pain!! Or not?

What do you do when you have some pain to deal with?

This morning, I woke up right before my alarm was supposed to go off... in pain.  I wanted to pull the sheet over my head and just lay as still as possible in the hopes that it would pass.  My right arm was folded under me as I slept on my side and my right rhomboid felt like someone put a rock in it (right under the scapula).
Yeah!  Right thurr.
It's not the first time it has bothered me.  Last time, I rested several days with no relief before jumping back into things and feeling better.  So, I'm hoping it loosens up from working.  But, getting through today's training was tough.  And, that was after working on a lacrosse ball, stretching, doing dislocates, and running through the Crossover Symmetry warm-up to try to get the scapula sliding freely.

So, what is the right way to react to pain?  People say listen to your body.  My upper back was saying, "I am in a knot".  I don't know if it's trying to protect me from a bigger issue or just overstretched from the sleeping position.  So, I set to work...

Looking back at the video, I can see that my lifts are off.  Positioning and extension aren't as good as usual...  I made every lift.  I was feeling macho as I pushed through pain.  As much as I want to get stronger and learn to train through difficult states, I don't want to practice bad movement.  So, it looks to me like hitting training in pain was a mistake.

What do you think?

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